What We Provide

  • 01. Career Counselling
  • 02. Future job opportunities discussion
  • 03. University Shortlisting
  • 04. Professor Shortlisting
  • 05.

    Document Preparation

  • 06. Securing Pre-Acceptance Letter
  • 07. University Application
  • 08. Scholarship Assistance

Departments & Majors

  1. Pharmaceutical 
  2. Chemistry 
  3. Chemical
  4. Biology
  5. Biomedical 
  6. Biotechnology 
  7. Bioinformatics 
  8. Biochemistry 
  9. Electronics & Electrical Egineering
  10. Material science 
  11. Physics

  12. Mathematics & statistics 
  13. Microbiology 
  14. Environment science 
  15. Marine biology
  16. Aerospace engineering 
  17. Molecular biology
  18. Computer Science 
  19. Information Technology
  20. Mechanical Engineering
  21. Radiology
  22. Nanoscience
Masters Degree

Minimum CGPA 7
4-5 years
1 year


  1. Data Science and Analytics
  2. Cybersecurity and Information Technology
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  4. Software Engineering and Development
  5. Quantum Computing
  6. Big Data & IoT
  1. Superconductivity Physics, Materials Sciences
  2. Magnetic Thin Film Physics, Semiconductor Physics
  3. Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Nano Structure
  4. NanoNano Device Technology, Thin Film Transistor Flat Panel Display
  5. Radio astronomy, Very Long Baseline Interferometry
  6. Atomically Film Syntheses, Film Transfer, Electronics/Optoelectronics
  1. Functional nano- and micro-structured polymer materials
  2. Design and synthesis of new anticancer drugs
  3. Drug biochemical analysis
  4. Nano biomedical analysis
  5. Organic synthesis and Synthesis method development
  6. Protein mass spectrometry, Biological and organic mass spectrometry
  7. Drug development, PM2.5 pollution Source prevention & purification

1. Mechatronics in Medicine
2. Man-Machine Systems
3. Computer Integrated Automation and Electric Vehicles
4. Remote Sensing Imaging and Pattern Recognition
5. Intelligent Sensing and Mechatronic Control
6. Metal Forming Technology
7. Biomimicking & Engineering
8. Micro-Optical-Electro-Mechanical-System Reliability Analysis
9. Lightweight Composite Structures
10. Precision Machinery Systems
11. Energy and Advanced Materials
12. Materials Design by Nanomechanics
14. Bio-Electro-Mechanical Systems
15. Molecular Engineering

  1. Stem Cell, Cancer Biology
  2. Cancer Genomics, Cancer Genetics, Ovarian Cancer
  3. Gene Regulation, Inducible Stem Cells, Signal Transduction
  4. Cell Migration
  5. Cancer Metastasis
  6. Gene Therapy, Molecular Biology
  7. Drug Mechanisms, Epigenetic Regulation, Protein Drug
  8. Leukaemia Research, Leukaemia Stem Cell
  1. Wireless and Mobile Networks, Internet of Things, Software-Defined Networking, Network security
  2. Computer Vision, 5G Network Slicing and Security
  3. AI-Driven Wafer/Automobile Test, AI Big Data in Cloud
  4. AI Automation for Manufacturing/EDAT (Electronics Design Automation & Test)
  5. AI FinTech Blockchain (inc. HFT), AI Microfluidic Biochip Physical Design
  6. Applied cryptography, Cybersecurity, Network/Communication Protection
  7. Automotive Security, Decentralised Data Privacy, Biomedical Image Analysis
  8. Machine learning, AI chip design, SOC and IC design, Embedded systems.
  9. VLSI/CAD, Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design, Encryption/Decryption Circuit Design, Low-power Design
  1. Nano fine-grained materials, Amorphous material, Electron microscopy
  2. Self-assembled techniques of supramolecules and copolymers
  3. Semiconductor science and materials, Energy materials
  4. Semiconductor device physics, Flash memory technology
  5. Photovoltaic materials, solar cells, 2D coordination nanosheets
  6. Two-dimensional materials, Energy materials
  7. Mesoscopic superconductor, Semiconductor nano device
  8. Flash memory technology, Semiconductor nano device

1. Coastal engineering Coastal Development and Protection

2. Marine Environment Monitoring

3. Coastal Hydrodynamics, Numerical Simulation

4. Hydraulic Model Test

5. Simulation and Prediction of Landscape Changes

6. Island Environmental Change

7. Development Model in Waterfront City, Coastal Planning and Management 8. Environmental Planning Strategies

9. GIS Applications in Coastal Planning, Wetland Planning and Design

10. Marine Geomechanics, Marine Structure Foundation Engineering

11. Marine Site Investigation, Elasto Visco-Plastic Behavior of Marine Sediments

12. Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering

13. Scour Problems and Laboratory Physical Modeling

  1. Materials ScienceElectronic Ceramics, Nano/Thin Film Engineering
  2. SOI technology and modelling, Design and Simulation of SOI,CAD of VLSI
  3. Microelectronics Engineering and Nano-Electronics
  4. Intelligent Micro-Sensing System
  5. Biomedical/Chemical Microsensors
  6. Semiconductor Devices, Gas Sensors, Electrochemical Sensors
  7. Advanced VLSI Fabrication Technology, Advanced MOSFET Device
  8. Reliability Analysis of Devices
  1. Industrial management
  2. International business and relation
  3. International Business Global
  4. Management Marketing and Consumer Behavior
  5. Technology Management and Innovation
  1. Biotechnology
  2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  3. Environmental Chemistry
  4. Condensed Matter Physics
  5. Cell and Molecular Biology
  6. Microbiology
  7. Biomedical
  8. Bioinformatics
  9. Marine Biology
  1. Oceanography
  2. Renewable energy
  3. Sustainable development
  4. Environmental Data Science
  5. Environmental Engineering
  6. Ecology and Conservation Biology
  7. Environmental Data Science


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